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Versione solo testo - Camera di commercio di Alessandria, 26 aprile 2024
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Alessandria, 26 aprile 2024
Ultimo aggiornamento: 12.10.2012

English version


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The Business Register is a public register established by article n. 2188 of the Civil Code and held by the Chambers of Commerce according to the provisions of article n.8 of Law n. 580/93, in accordance with the D.P.R.581/1995.

Operating since 19th February 1996, the Business Register carries out those functions once assigned to the Commercial Chancery Courts and to the Register of Companies, already held by the Chambers themselves.

All the Companies, whether public or private, have to be registered in the National Business Register, specifying the data about their structure at the moment of establishment and the subsequent changes.

The Business Register is set in every district and it is divided into two sections: ordinary and special. A specific section, in which partnerships among lawyers are enrolled (D. Lgs. 96 2001), and another specific section for corporate groups (D.Lgs.6/2003) are provided.



In the Business Register the REA is established, that is the Economic Administrative Index.

The Index represents a sort of registry office containing economic, statistics and administrative information concerning all the companies enrolled in the Business Register (art. n. 9 DPR 581/1995), such as the opening or closing of local units, changes in the residence of members and managers. Moreover, collective subjects (i.e. associations, foundations, committees, and other non-corporate institutions) exerting a business, commercial or agricultural activity as additional to their institutional one, also have to be enrolled in the Business Register.

Companies, whether individual firms or general partnerships, having their main headquarters abroad and that establish, change or end a local business in the National territory, have to be enrolled in the Business Register too.



Data concerning companies are available nationwide in real time, since the Business Register is a computerized system.

To get or send in:

  • Business profile information (in Italian called "visura camerale") and certifications
  • Balance sheets and recorded deeds
  • Lists of the enrolled companies
  • Registration, changes, cancellation, recording acts


please refer to the Chamber offices below:

  1. Alessandria, via Vochieri 58
  2. Casale Monferrato, via Roma 197


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